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"Springs greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out"
- Edgar Guest

Play Scotland


Practical ideas to support playful families
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Toolkits and resources supporting learning through play and workforce development
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Information to help build health, well-being and resilience through play
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How to create more opportunities for play in local places and spaces
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Play into Winter!

Playing outdoors is essential for our children and young people to understand, value, enjoy and protect our natural world. In Scotland, this means playing outside in all weathers.

Animals are hibernating, trees are bare, and the world stands still during the peace that winter brings. Embrace the cold, and let the joy of the winter landscape create unforgettable memories through play.

Bundle up and head outside this Winter to enjoy snow-covered hills, crunchy grass, and icy puddles. If you’re lucky, snowfall brings opportunities for sledding, snowmen, and snowball fights!


Games for on the Go

Games for on the Go

Ideas for games to play on a road or train trip.
Play Well Pack: Summer on a Shoestring

Play Well Pack: Summer on a Shoestring

This pack has resources, suggestions and ideas to support your child’s play and learning. There are low cost and free play experiences for children aged two to five.
Playing on a shoestring: play ideas for Playday 2023

Playing on a shoestring: play ideas for Playday 2023

This resource pulls together everyday low-cost or no-cost play ideas to enjoy on Playday and any other day of the year.
Scotland’s Play Charter

Scotland’s Play Charter

Scotland’s Play Charter describes our collective commitment to play for all children and young people. Supporters of the Charter:

  • recognise that all children have the right to participate in play activities and experiences
  • value play as a life-enhancing daily experience for all our children
  • support children to have fun, creative, fulfilling and development rich play experiences throughout their childhoods
  • recognise that playing is an essential part of a happy childhood as well as being vital to children’s wellbeing as individuals and members of society.
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