Dear Mom on the iPhone: You’re Doing Fine

Dear Mom in the iPhone,

I see you at the park with your kids, phone in hand. Your cherubs are running around playing and calling out “Mommy, watch me!” They go down the slide squealing in delight, yelling “Mommy, watch this!” As they climb the ladder to go again, they shout “Mommy, I want you to watch me!! Mommy, watch! Mommy! Mommy!! MOMMY!!!!”

But you’re not watching… because you’re on your phone — checking Facebook, email or Pinterest.

You’re not watching… because you just spent every waking hour before arriving at the park watching everything your child did. Every. Little. Thing.

You watched as he ate his breakfast and “drove” his waffles around his plate. You watched as he held the fork upside down and stabbed at bites with the handle and said “Mommy, now watch me do this!” And then he picked up his napkin and put it on his head. And you were watching.

You also watched as your daughter picked out her clothes — only the shirt with the monkey on it would do today. Then you watched as she got dressed. You watched while she struggled to put on her socks — determined to do it herself. You watched — sometimes helping and guiding, but knowing that letting her figure it out is an important part of learning and growing.  Full blog

