Play Pedagogy Award

Change is in the air in Scotland and Play Pedagogy is growing in practice


Play Scotland will soon be launching a new four tier Play Pedagogy Award in 2023 with accreditation award options for both SCHOOLS and individual TEACHERS.

Would you like to join the ‘play pioneers’ promoting play pedagogy across Scottish Primary Schools with an aim to embed play in school practice and ethos and protect play times?

The Play Pedagogy Award:-
  • Framework and guidance co-produced with Scottish schools, teachers and Play Pedagogy experts and specifically for Scottish Primary Schools and Educational Policy
  • Provides a framework where learning through play is recognised and rewarded.
  • No additional paperwork! We use evidence that schools already produce to record, demonstrate and communicate their practice as primary assessment data.
  • Incorporates UNCRC three P’s of Protection, Provision and Participation for all children through interrelated and mutually reinforcing Articles.
Links with the Curriculum for Excellence
  • A pedagogical approach that can be used for any curricular goal
  • A pedagogical practice which may be ideal for underpinning approach to skills development and Health and Wellbeing Goals.
  • Outdoor learning within and beyond the school grounds (i.e. the wider community) will be a core element of the Award – clear link with Learning for Sustainability
  • The Recovery Curriculum is enhanced through more play.

“Play Pedagogy is a way of integrating children’s play experiences with curricular learning, igniting creativity, inspiring imagination and giving pupils the flexibility and confidence to find their own solutions to both new and existing problems. Through stimulating learning spaces, personally meaningful experiences and attuned adult-child interactions, it encourages the autonomy and independent motivation-to-learn and creative collaboration of individual children and groups.”
(Play Scotland 2020)


Recognising the creativity & commitment of schools and teachers to embedding learning through play.

For more information, contact our Play Pedagogy Award Coordinator on

