Transcript Ep18: Playing Out

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A transcript of episode 18 of the Play Well Podcast series. On this episode, we will be looking at playing out in local communities. To explore this, we will be speaking to Ingrid Skeels and Cherie Morgan.  

Ingrid is a co-director of Playing Out. Playing Out is a national organisation and movement for long-term change, supporting children’s right to play outside, on their street, and in their local area. Ingrid is passionate about the importance of freedom and creativity in play for children. 

Cherie Morgan is Head of Projects for Play Scotland. She was responsible for the publication “Playful Streets and Supporting Play in the Community” and is leading on the development of tools for play sufficiency assessments and for the engagement of children and young people in the planning process. 

Interviewing both Cherie and Ingrid is Jenny Lester. Jenny Lester is the Learning & Development Officer at Play Scotland.

Listen to the episode here:

Or download the transcript to read what was said.

Resource type: Statement

